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Errinundra to Snowy Wellbeing Spaces

Health clinic serving the communities of Goongerah, Tubbut and Bendoc.

Our Services

Orbost Regional Health provides acute, urgent care, medical, and a wide range of community health, welfare and aged care (both residential and home based) services.

We strive to meet the community needs utilising a flexible funding model.

Service delivery is enhanced through partnership arrangements that enable a service delivery system to an area covering one million hectares across Far East Gippsland.

At Orbost Regional Health, we are proud that this innovative multi purpose service has the capacity to embrace a holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

Through regular community consultation we are able to provide the services the community deems most important.

Our Commitment to the Community

  • Orbost Regional Health has zero tolerance towards child abuse.
  • Orbost Regional Health is committed to establishing and maintaining child inclusive, safe and child friendly environments.
  • Orbost Regional Health  supports everyone’s right to feel respected, safe, welcome and valued.
  • Orbost Regional Health is committed to inclusive practice and welcomes feedback on our services, in particular from Aboriginal, LGBTQIA+, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, and Disability communities.

Orbost Regional Health is committed to embracing diversity and eliminating all forms of discrimination in the provision of health services.  We welcome all people irrespective of ethnicity, lifestyle choice, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity.