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Excellent treatment in a caring environment

For specific information on current fees and your eligibility, visit the Dental Health Services Victoria Patient Information webpage.

For an appointment and to check your eligibility phone 5154 6625

Orbost Regional Health is a two chair Dental Clinic on-site in Boundary Rd, Orbost.

General oral health services are provided during business hours for both public and private patients, school dental services and denture services.

Orbost Regional Health has a public dentist, and qualified dental assistants.

Emergency dental treatment

Emergency appointments are made for patients who are experiencing pain and/or discomfort as a result of dental related issues.

If you think you require emergency dental care, please call us on 5154 6625.

All patients will be triaged under the Dental Health Services Victoria triage system.

For more information about emergency dental care, visit the Dental Health Services Victoria website.

If you qualify for emergency dental treatment an appointment will be made as soon as a vacancy is available.

Orbost Regional Health will attempt to reduce a patient's discomfort by attempting to provide appointments as soon as possible, provided we have a dentist on site and the required dental work is within our scope of practice.

Alternatively, support will be provided to access an alternative dental services or support, via allocation of a voucher.

For pain management we can make a referral to your GP.

For an appointment please phone 5154 6625.

General Course of Care (Adults)

This service is available to all adults that hold a current health care card or pension concession card and are registered on the general waiting list.

In order to obtain general treatment a patient needs to register on the general waitlist.

To register for a place on the waiting list phone 5154 6625.

Upon completion of their course of care patients can re-register in 12 months to go back on the waitlist.

Orbost Regional Health's general dental waitlist can vary from 6 - 12 months depending on availability of dentists and demand.

A course of care will cover general dental treatment including checkups, advice, fillings, extractions and cleaning.

Specialised treatment required outside Orbost Regional Health may result in an extra cost.

0-12 Year Olds

For an appointment please phone 5154 6625.  

All children aged between 0 and 12 years of age are eligible to use this service every year.

Once they have completed their course of care they will placed on a recall list which will be prioritized by our dentist, depending on level of care required.

Children who are assessed as high risk may be seen more regularly.

If your child has a toothache they will be seen on the next available emergency appointment.


For children who are the dependants of a Health Care Card or Pension Card Holder this service is free.

For Children who are not dependants of a Health Care Card or Pension Card Holder, fees can be viewed on the Dental Health Services Victoria Patient Information webpage.

13-17 Year Olds

For an appointment please phone 5154 6625.  

All children aged between 13 and 17 years of age are eligible to use this service every year.

Once they have completed their course of care they will placed on a recall list which will be prioritized by our dentist, depending on level of care required.

Children who are assessed as high risk may be seen more regularly.

If your child has a toothache they will be seen on the next available emergency appointment.


For children who are the dependants of a Health Care Card or Pension Card Holder this service is free.

For Children who are not dependants of a Health Care Card or Pension Card Holder this service will be available free of charge if your child is eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS).

For more information visit the Dental Health Services Victoria Patient Information webpage.

Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) - 18 Year Olds

To check your child's eligibility visit the Dental Health Services Victoria Patient Information webpage, or contact the Orbost Dental Clinic directly.

For an appointment or more information phone 5154 6625.  

The CDBS provides individual benefits for a range of services including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals and extractions.

Benefits are not available for orthodontic or cosmetic dental work and cannot be paid for any services provided in a hospital.

The CDBS has a means test, which requires receipt of Family Tax Benefit Part A or a relevant Australian Government payment.

Families can check eligibility at Services Australia Child Dental Benefits Schedule webpage.


For more information and to check your eligibility phone 5154 6625.

To access denture care through the public dental system, you need to be eligible.

All patients requesting dentures will be assessed by the dentist at no expense to determine their eligibility.

Patients requesting dentures will be placed on a waiting list. When you reach the top of the waiting list you will be contacted either by phone or by mail for an assessment by the Dentist for eligibility to have dentures fitted.