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Crafty Crew at Lochiel House Providing Comfort to Those in Need

Norma Leatham and ORH CEO Vicki Farthing at Lochiel House last week.

There is a saying about teddy bears, that they sleep all day so they can stay awake at night to chase away bad dreams.

For kids and grownups everywhere, the humble teddy has forever been a source of comfort and of solace, someone to squeeze and hold tight, when things get a bit scary.

Thanks to one very industrious local lady, there will now be plenty of teddies on hand should a little boy or girl find themselves in hospital and in need of a fluffy friend.

Norma Leatham is a resident of Lochiel House aged care facility at Orbost Regional Health (ORH), and one of a group of ladies at Lochiel House who have been using their knitting and crocheting skills to help others in need.

Norma recently knitted 54 “Trauma Teddies,” which have been donated to Red Cross Australia and the urgent care ward at ORH, to provide comfort for young ‘uns that find themselves in a scrape and feeling scared.

Norma said each teddy takes her about a day to knit.

Having spent most of her life on a dairy farm, Norma said she hasn’t managed to shake the habit of rising early.

“I still wake up at about 3am, and knitting the teddies has given me something to do,” she said. “It’s very relaxing.”

The crafty crew at Lochiel House also includes Jill Shanahan, Joyce Trewin, Lois Horan, Judith Butler and Marj West.

These talented and generous ladies have been very busy of late, having made and donated a wide range of items for various good causes, including beanies for volunteer firefighters, poppies for local remembrance services, jumpers and bonnets for premature babies, and jackets for penguins caught in oil spills.

Thank you, ladies, for your nimble hands and charitable spirits.