What do you want your local health care service to provide for you and your family in the years ahead?
Orbost Regional Health is currently undertaking a strategic planning initiative to determine what the future of the organisation will look like in the next five years, and what activities it needs to undertake.
As part of that process we have engaged with a strategic planning consultant to provide support in constructing a strategic plan that heavily focuses on the wants and needs of the staff and community.
The plan aims to identify priorities for people in far East Gippsland and create tangible goals that would place the Orbost community in a strong position to thrive.
To inform that direction, we need to hear from you.
Here's a short survey we are hoping you can take, to help us understand your needs and expectations, and to learn more about where you think more focus is required.
Many thanks, in advance, for taking a few minutes to shape the future of Orbost Regional Health and health care services in this region.